3 Ways to Start Investing in Real Estate

Ready to start investing in real estate in Hawaii?

Learn the EXACT blueprint we use to make

6 figures per year investing in Hawai'i real estate.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know that the HUI Mastermind is right for me?

We believe that the HUI Mastermind Academy and Community is for everyone that's interested in investing in real estate here in Hawai'i.

BUT! We will always tell you that the program only works for you if you work the program.

We cannot make real estate investing work for you, but if you put in the time, energy, and effort to get started, we KNOW you can be successful. And we'll be there to guide and cheer you on your journey!

Do I need any prior experience to join?

No! We have an entire section for the Foundations for this exact reason! Whether you're just starting out or have a real estate portfolio that you want to grow, we are here to teach you what we know :)

Are there any LIVE Calls?

Yes! When you join the Academy, you'll be invited to 1 year of live calls with Zasha, Fuzzy, and their team of experts within the HUI Community. The calls will include weekly advanced trainings, expert guest calls, mindset work, and Q & A sessions.

Do you offer in person coaching?

While most of our coaching is online to make it easier for our students, we do have exclusive LIVE in-person 2-day events and quarterly strategy calls when you upgrade to the "All-In Masters." It's the perfect way to ask questions of Zasha, Fuzzy, and their team of experts!

Is there a cancellation refund?

No, we don't allow refunds or cancellations. We have spent many hours creating a course that has everything you need to get started or scale. As soon as you purchase your course, you'll be granted immediate access to all of the content, resources, and tools.

What should I do to prep for my Course?

When you purchase your course, you will receive a Welcome email with everything you need to know to get started right away within the Academy & Community. Including a downloadable PDF Workbook to guide you along the course.

HUI Mastermind

Copyright 2025. All rights reserved

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